Thursday, February 12, 2009

La Florida Players

Here are several pictures from our day with the La Florida players.
Paul is having fun with the female players, who learned a lot.
One picture shows one of the players sliding into first base on a close play.
One picture shows Jack pitching. We had to call him in from the bullpen to relieve our starting pitcher.
The picture of all the players was taken during one of the much needed water breaks.
The last picture shows one of the players in the middle of his swing. Good job keeping your eye on the ball.


  1. Is that a soccer field? Looks like a good time. Baseball in February, that must be fun. Frozen and snow here up north.

  2. Friends: Thanks for your visit. The children were happy to play, to learn a new sport.
    But more important is the love and affection that you delivered, one by one to each child.
    Thanks to you, many of them now know baseball. Since March, we will continue training with them, so that through sport are also good people. In our blog we your visit.
    Luis,coach La Florida
